What Do You Love About Yourself?

Hey sweet peas! 🙂

So I’ve had a pretty good week (minus the flu at the beginning haha) and I feel really motivated to write a positivity post again 🙂

During one of my classes my teacher asked us all to say two things we liked about ourselves. A seemingly easy question, that took everyone a seriously long time to answer. having to identify something you like about yourself isn’t too hard, I hope. But having to embrace that and share it with others is a little daunting.

But why should it be? We should all feel confident enough to say without a trace of vanity or narcissism that we have things about ourselves that we really like 🙂 Whether that be a physical trait, or a personality trait, we should all be able to identify at least two things we like about ourselves. And I can tell each and every one of you right now that you all have a million things that you should love about yourself.

But it needs to come from you. And trust me, it is the best way to feel super good and confident being the person you are meant to be: Yourself.

So when my turn came I said I like my positivity, and I like that I can share that with others. And its true! If I’m being honest, I have those days where I feel a bit down, and I think it helps to know that not all the time you have to be dancing on rainbows. But treasure the moments, the most simple and pure ones, where you feel completely blessed to be who you are 🙂 Because I can honestly say that at the end of the day, I wouldn’t want to be anyone but myself ❤

So my challenge to you all is to identify two things you like about yourself! You don’t have to tell anyone what they are, but acknowledge them, and feel confident about them 🙂

I would love to hear your thoughts on this, and your experiences, in the comments 🙂

Until next time,

Lui xx

26 thoughts on “What Do You Love About Yourself?

  1. This is such a beautiful idea!! It is difficult to think about what i like about myself as I’ve always thought that people will see it as a big-headed thing to but it’s not and thinking that way led me to never really see what I like in myself. I like my resilience with how I’ve kept going through my illness and my smile as i can see my parents and close family in it which used to annoy me but makes me smile thinking about it now so I can’t escape it 😂 great post! Have a lovely day! 😄💗

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  2. Brilliantly said Lui! You are so right,we should all be confident and happy about ourselves and just embrace our talents and flaws!!
    I love the fact that I’m friendly (because I get to know awesome people like you!) and I also love that I’m passionate about the things I love like reading,writing,blogging and being creative! 😊❤

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love your positive energy, thank you for this post! About myself — I love my creativity skills, words more than crafts and my quick wit. Years ago, while at a work team-building meeting for a large corporation, we were all given a sheet of paper and told to put our name on top then pass it to the left. Each person had to anonymously write something that they liked about the person whose paper they had, At the end of the project, we had the paper with our own name sitting in front of us. It was called “the bucket list.” We were told to keep it and refer back to it when we needed a boost. It was a bucket of semi-anonymous kindness. This was an amazing project and an awesome experience. It was so warming to see what my co-workers, my teammates liked about me.

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