Making New Friends

Hello sweet peas!

Sorry I went a bit MIA for the last couple of days, but I have been super busy doing things with my friends and family ❤ ❤ But don’t worry I’m still here! 😉

(Also, unlike the title suggests I am not getting rid of my current friends haha! I love them so much, and they are brilliant 😀 <3)

Yesterday I finally found out my timetable for school this year… which is like five weeks away 😀 And I found I don’t have my three closest friends with me in any class but one in drama 😦 🙂 Whilst I am slowly freaking out about this, at the same time I am kind of looking forward to this! Ideally I’d like half my classes with my friends, half without I think, because it forces me to get out my comfort zone and make more friends, which I started to do a bit of last year.

Currently I am going to have one of my close friends in drama with me, and a couple of friends in my German class. In my other four classes I have no idea who will be in there! However, silver lining is that I have two of my favourite teachers for Religious Studies and English, which I am over the moon about (I literally started doing a victory dance, much to my friends dismay, in a museum yesterday!!). I think I know one person who will be in my Classical Studies class, and I have yet to find out anything about my Stats class 🙂

So, one of my goals this year is to branch out, and continue to make more friends, whilst also maintaining the amazing relationships I have with my current friends! 🙂

I’d love to know any advice you can give me for this, or any experiences you have had with this! 😀 Have you been in a similar situation? Do you have your friends in your classes this year? I’d love to hear your thoughts ❤ ❤

Hoping you are all having a wonderful day! 🙂

Lui xx ❤ ❤

48 thoughts on “Making New Friends

  1. I can relate so much to this, I had to make friends with random people in almost all my classes but photography, English and history! It can be hard but it’s just about putting your self out there and having a smile on your face ☺ good luck!! Xx❤

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    1. thank you so much! I am glad to hear I am not alone haha 😀 and that’s so cool that u do photography… I was going to take it but didn’t have enough spaces 😦 oh well haha 😀 thanks for ur advice! 🙂 ❤ xx

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      1. Aww wish you could do it! I know the feeling of not having enough spaces to take classes, I couldn’t take drama sadly😅course you aren’t alone! Lovely post, keep it up! Xx❤

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    1. As terrifying as it sounds, it’s not too bad because I’ve been through that in a whole extreme way. I moved from one country to another and guess what I barely had any friends and now I’ve got so many friends that I am grateful for! So don’t worry!

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  2. this post was great! And I can totally relate to it! When I changed schools (in august ) I knew only a few people who would be in some of my classes. I was terrified! But all the new people I met are wonderful and it helped me to get out of my comfort zone! xx

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  3. It’s for sure intimidating going off into classes (or anything for that matter) without a friend or someone to fall back on but at the same time, its exhilarating. I love knowing that I have an opportunity to meet new people and you never know you might find your next best friend! But really Lui, you have nothing to worry about- if you are as sweet and kind hearted as you are through your blog, I’m sure you’ll have no problems finding someone good to converse with!! Best of luck girlie!

    xo, JJ

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    1. aw thank you so much! and I totally agree – sometimes I will be really brave and strike up conversations with people on busses, and even if I never see them again at least I know I got to talk to someone and step out of my comfort zone 😀 and thank you 🙂 ❤ ❤ xx

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  4. I have had that so many times. So I think I can give you some advice! Don’t be afraid to talk to ‘strangers’. Just go to a person who also looks a bit ‘alone’ like you and start a conversation. And don’t forget to be yourself. Don’t be different to new friends because you think they’ll like you more in an other way than you really are 🙂 Good luck!

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  5. Happy New Year! (A tad belated, but still) It sounds like you’re going to have a great year! I completely understand your situation; I have approx. 5 best friends and basically they all go to different schools, so I’ve had to make new friends! It’s good for me, and probably you too haha.

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  6. Hey! I was wondering is maybe we could do a collab post together some time! I love your blog and your super supportive it would be so much fun! I have some ideas on posts so let me know what you think

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Awesome! I had some ideas: New years resolution post, all about our resolutions and tips for other people on how to achieve theirs, I had a draft post called peace and quiet I was thinking of posting peaceful pictures we took ourselves, A life update (this one is kind of self absorbed but basically a post about what has been going on in our lives. I thought we could make a post on a happy place (how to find/make a happy place and our happy places in particular,) I thought we could maybe write one on goals: making them and achieving them (that kind of goes with a new year’s resolution post, and my last idea was a post on friends.


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